What's the worst part about teaching?
I despise bananas.
I don't know when this began. I remember eating them in my Rice Krispies as a kid. But even my students know, do not ask Miss Hordyk to open that banana unless you give her two paper towels along with it so she doesn't actually have to touch it.
And don't you dare eat it near her.
There is something about kids and bananas that has ruined the whole idea. For one, no matter how good your kid is at closing their mouth while eating, as soon as they get a banana, they forget that some people don't want to see the food slopping around. Or worse yet, hear it! Oooo that smucking sound could make me gag.
Second of all, they will eat a banana no matter what colour it is. I have watched kids eat yellow bananas--okay, I can deal with it, as long as your no where near me. And brown bananas--ick, save those for the banana bread please! And green bananas. Green, unripe bananas, don't peel nicely into one piece for easy disposal. The peel comes off bit by little bit. Which end up on the floor. Which then turn brown by the time anyone notices, but also fails to throw out. And their hands get all slimy trying to get that ridiculous peel off. ICK. I will eat banana bread and anything that is artificial banana flavour. For instance, I remember being jealous when my sisters got a prescription from the doctor for banana medicine. But real bananas. Ew.
Third of all, I hate that my students know that I hate bananas. I have come in my classroom after yard duty to find a banana on my desk. I have had a banana shoved up my nose, literally. Paintings in art class are often of bananas.
The kids like to tease me. But I suppose its okay. It brings some comical relief after a hard math lesson.
But the best part is, they laugh at my ridiculous fear. And when they laugh, I laugh.
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